ACE CBD Vapes is wholly owned and operated by Premium Leisure Distribution Ltd.

Premium Leisure Distribution are are a UK registered limited company (Company Number 08045373) and the the company registered address is 367b Church Road Frampton Cotterell, Bristol, United Kingdom, BS36 2AQ. Please note that this address SHOULD NOT be used for correspondence. Please use the address displayed elsewhere throughout the site.

Premium Leisure Distribution Ltd is registered for VAT in Great Britain (VAT Number 134 0466 40).

Premium Leisure Distribution Ltd are GMP Certified (Certificate Number GB18/961141) and members of the Cannabis Trades Association.

All products sold on ACE CBD Vapes website are guaranteed to have below the legal limit of THC and contain no nicotine.

Products are sold as e-liquids, food supplements, or cosmetics; there is no implication or inference that ANY product should or can be used for medical purposes and no prescription from Pharmacist or Doctor is required.